Wednesday, August 26, 2009

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY JAKE! I'm slackin' a little bit cause Jakes b-day was on the 16th. But here are some pictures of his birthday. We went Bowling on saturday (since his b-day was on a sunday) which was a lot of fun and then we went and tried out Joe's Farm Grill (Jake said we need to take Dave and Jamie here when you come:) ) which was really good and was even featured on diners, drive-ins, and dives (which we love to watch). And then Sunday I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and we went to church and did cake and ice cream and presents that night.

Jake has commented before (jokingly of-course) that I have sewn something for everyone except him. So for his b-day I decided to make him a blanket. It has fleece Padre print on side (his favorite team) and then different quilt squares on the other.

Jake had watched the P90x workout info-commercials several times and kinda hinted that he would like to try it out. He has been doing it faithfully (even on saturdays) for the last week and a half since he got them for his b-day. I really enjoy doing some of them too! We even do them together at night sometimes. They are definitely hard and make you very sore the next day, but it also makes it a fun way to work out!



Pyatt said...

Dude--there is a lot of smoke in that picture of you blowing out those candles...Happy Birthday...we'll see you in a month!!

Elizabeth said...

happy belated birthday Jake! that cake looks delicious! by the way, Meghan and Mark have P90x and i did it one time with them and it was so hard!